The last month has been a whirlwind! It would too easy to update you all on everything we've done. (If you have Facebook, you already know and this would just be redundant.)
So... this entry will be a little different.
It's "something" to watch your kids grow up isn't it? Granted, mine are still very young, but there are "somethings" everyday that Kate and I are with them that make our time together so special.
This year has brought many firsts for them. Carter getting a big boy bed. Emma entering kindergarten and now first grade. Emma learning to read. Carter making friends at Merrill Palmer. Emma losing her first teeth. Sledding and ice skating for the first time. Riding a tube behind a boat on a family vacation. Sleepovers with friends in the backyard. Opening savings accounts. Going to church every week.
The next year will hold many more "firsts" for them. We're planning to get a dog in the next few months. Emma is so excited, she doesn't know what to do with herself. Carter's only concern with it is that he doesn't want to clean the poop up outside. A year from now, both of them will be in school at the same school together, and Kate and I will be able to pick them up most afternoons right from school.
Its "something" to lay in bed one at a time with them each night right before they go to sleep talking about their day. We pray every night. The first words are always, "Dear Jesus, thank you for the wonderful day." Its warming to hear what they then start thanking Him for. Sometimes its simply for us having dinner together every night, or going on a walk down to the pond. Other times, its for family members who we saw that weekend, or for the little puppy that we played with at the pet store. And every single night, they thank Him for having this family.
Its "something" when Emma asks and wants to know all about God and Jesus, and heaven. She has so many questions. I remember her telling me one morning when she was about 3, that she had seen Jesus in her room that night before and that she talked to him. In the chaos of our lives at the time, Emma knew that there was someone there watching over her when she needed it.
It's "something" that Carter has found his voice in the last month or so. Before, he was quiet and timid. He has become a chatterbox as of late and will tell you some of the funniest things imaginable. His latest, is that he and Laniya (a pretty little girl at his school) are married. If you ask him why and how, he replies that he gave her a kiss before they took a nap one day and that if you kiss someone then you are married. Innocence....
It's "something" to see how they have taken to having a new set of grandparents and two new aunts this year. "Mr. Tom" and "Momo" (Terry) opened their arms to them. I'll never forget hearing how excited they were on the night that Kate and I went on our honeymoon that they were able to spend that evening being grandparents, truly, for the first time. Aunts Gina and Beth have been wonderful to them as well. It really is a blessing for us all.
It's "something" to see the love in their eyes when they are with Kate. She has brought so much happiness to their lives just in the last 5 months. Emma has learned to scrapbook from Mama Kate. The art table in the basement was Kate's idea. It has allowed Em to express her self in so many creative ways to everyone. Carter has learned that his favorite thing to do on the way to school is sing The Thymes beach music song, "Miss Grace" with M'Tatie. He challenges her at times, but I think its because he wants to make sure she's always going to treat him like a big boy. They listen to her. Not because they have to, but because they want to. She gives them her full attention. Its an interesting dichotomy from the past.
It's "something" to look at the past year and imagine that their lives would be as stable now considering how tremulous and tumultuous things were a year ago. They are strong kids. Emma is going to be a leader someday. She already does it now. She's brave, thoughtful, courteous and so compassionate. Carter is coming into his own now a bit. He's creative, industrious, and now...quite gregarious. All of those traits will serve them well as they continue to grow up.
Myself, well, I'm just thankful. I know that my life has been blessed in the past year. While some people I know will point to the various challenges we've had since last summer, I can't help but look at it as the most important and most blessed time of my life. I found love. I found a life outside of work. I found a new family...a new mom and dad and two sisters and two sets of grandparents who trust me and accept me and Kate and this path that we've set off on together. I know my side of the family "gets" it...its just so reassuring to know that the other side "gets" it too. We just want to be a family.
I'm a lucky man.